FinaL FantaSy VIII ~ "Let the BAttLe BegiN"
Many teaRs fLow as the AnGeL of Light was put down to rest,
to make way foR the Fire,
the souRce for the light to light the darknesS..
As the night iS dark and the daY is bright, now the tWo become united by the coLorS of grey.. the coLorS of smoKe..
"As, my love oneS await me..
My Queen of darkNess from the kingdom of the sky,
My Queen of coLdness from the kingdom of deep water
My Queen of heat from the Kingdom of the deepest Fire of HeLL.."
onCe coLd wiLL become hot..
OnCe hot wiLL be coLd..
Where u feeL the torment of heLL was, now wiLL peacefuLL of heaven n the heaveN u see wiLL be the toRment of heLL..untiL, there is baLance..
Bring baLance to the woRLd, spread Love as love is the medaLLion to be won in the kinGdom of heart, where, the fiNaL battLE wiLL be..
Find the baLance, and aLL wiLL be averaGE.. pray n pray n pray n pray, that average wiLL be the best, as such baLAnce, as such harmony..
We are equaL n yet, equaL is the onLy thing Left to be fought foR n if aLL is Lost.. have faith n Let it go the the One that createS, the One that controLs aLL kingdom, be it of man and or otheR creatioNs..
FiNaL battLe approacheS, but the War is far to be seeN.. So.. Let the battLe beGin !!!!
"The DeviL VerSuS The Man iN White of The WorLd"
From the wriTeR of FinaL FantaSy, "Let The BattLe beGin".. ~ 698888888869 ~