DeviL iN KuaLa LumpuR ~ "MArried WomaN.??" "CaLL us, but we prefer your husbands' caLLing us to set appointments for you" ~
My question is why.?? Since their husbands are aLso going out havinG fun with other woman..
Or even, spending too much time at the office, the mosque or with their friends, untiL don't give that quaLity time the wive deserVeS.. Why can' t the deviLs team sacrifice ourseLveS for the happiness of these women.. and their marriage.?
Men aLwayS Lie to their woman, especiaLLy businessman.. The onLy guys who are actuaLLy loyaL to their marriage are the PILOTS haha (most of them).. funny.. I've been with them, so I know..
But these office peopLeS, or business peoPLe..Either wiLL have their scandaLS at office or outstaTions.. Hurmm or you gaLS just sit outsideS a few major sPa's in the city.. I'm sure most wives wiLL recognise faces haa :D'.. If they are goLfers or traveLLers to bangkok, haa, i bet you 99% of them are unLoyaL..
So, these young women (i consider up to 45 years oLd are stILL young n restLess woman) ..are Left aLOne to attend to their chiLdren n taking care of their hoMe, without being Loved anymore, caress or make passionateLy love too anymore.. Maybe they only thing thats left for them by their partners are pretenciouS care n weak Love..
Why onLy guy deServes to have fun.. Let these woman have fun too.. as they do more to a marriage than MAn..Man thought they brought back the moneY untiL they forgets that, what they get are aLL from God n it has been set how much they take back home by Him..
If me, The DeviL i am.. I wiLL make sure to take these beautifuL ladies out for a good time, listen to musics, partying, dance for them n make sure my eyes are just on them..
PlayinG with them n teasing them untiL they can't bear to hold me.. I wouLd hoLd their hands aLways, n let them kisses me in pubLic if they want too..
Then find a quite place to sit in between the craziness of KL City, just to be aLone for a whiLE to listen to them.. Yeah they need some one to taLk too and to Listen..
I wouLd be their bodyguard, their companion, their sociaL escort, be their body massage therapist, just to get that tense out from them.. I wiLL show them that I care, from the heart.. n why I'LL do aLL thiS.?
For me, its just heLping out marriages.. They wiLL be happy, when they do, there wiLL be happiness at home.. even husbands are not queried where they go n with who anymore..For them, i WiLL sacrife myseLf~ n my group of young deviLish handsome deviLs wiLL gLadLy sacrife themseLves aLso for the greater cause of HaPPineSS to aLL..
Man being man are aLways unfair.. Having fuN outside n yet lockinG their wives at home.. And, finaLLy gave up in their marriage as they questionS their wives for not understandinG them..
WeLL guyS, try to understand youR woman from now, be fair.. If you can't give that happineSS to them, caLL us.. But with uS, you can be rest assured that, we wiLL send your wiveS back home to you safeLy, as, that is "The DeviLs promise to God".. not to break a MarriaGe ~
BecarefuL if you don't take care of ur wives n marriage or, if, you don't ask for our service soon, as there are AngeLs around, that wiLL take the hearts of your woman, take them away from you, and then, leaving these woman, dumpinG them by the roadside, as.. Mine was aLso have been tried by AngeLS untiL my marriage was broKeN.. n they have yet to get their judgmentS..
"Bad AngeLs ~ The HaruT & MaruT, as, what they Learned from Satan, is the knowledge of whisperS (hasuTAn), as that iS the work that Satan dO, they wiLL whiSper to make peoPLe beLieve their Lies to DestroY Marriages n BaLance, and that is the EviLest of EviL that God Put on Earth"
Anyone interested, send me a message.. ALways wiLL be faithfuLLy waiting your messageS, "My new MasterS" ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~
YourS TrueLy " The DeviL iN KuaLa LumpuR "
email ~ ~
Anyone interested, send me a message.. ALways wiLL be faithfuLLy waiting your messageS, "My new MasterS" ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~
YourS TrueLy " The DeviL iN KuaLa LumpuR "
email ~ ~
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