Thursday 6 December 2012

I Am The LuckY One ~ "KL Racer"

I Am The LucKy One ~ "KL RaceR ~ I Dare U DeviL"

Yeah, I too was a crazy stunt substitude driver at one time.. I never pLayed with motocarS before, even try to drive a car before gettinG my licence, kinda foLLowed the ruLes in that segment of motor vehicLe hihi, unLike motorbike where I had accidentS many time before pLaying with it when I was Young~

2 days ago as I was doing some work out at a friend's Muay Thai CLub, then, an oLd friend came (stiLL young as he is 18 stiLL just Like me)..

I start teLLing my 2 brothers how thiS friend, in which my respect to him is like respecting a "Sifu" or teacher, as, he taught me many thingS I need to know regarding racing cars :)"..

"KL Racer ~ I Dare U DeviL"

We were 18th, when we met again 20 yearS before (yeah our age stop, if u guys wondering Larr), and I was using my first car then, a 1978 Honda Accord Hatch Back 1.8 cc..

He was using a MAzDA 1.3 tebuk (as there were no turbo then yet in 1992, so he had to make hoLes at hiS fiLter cover for better air intake ie. better performance ~ yeah, K & N air fiLter was not avaiLabLe then yet)
Modified extracter, piping and absorber, with cut off springs to make the car Lowered (spring potong lewrr).. and with a "APAcHE" sticker on the body of hiS car..

Yeah this was a story about uS, The TamaN MeLawati BoyS, where we don't join any teams, never estabLish our own, making friends with aLL n protect our own..

We go every where but never joinned any team as advised by him, by RoSS' as joinning the "BEarS", wouLd make us enemies to the "IndiaNs" Keramat Crew n the "BanGsaR" Crew and vice verSas, as he is a friend to aLL, n they do give Him the respect he deserVe, yeah n I caLLed him my sifu, "RoSS" ..

If I regard myseLf as "The FLying DeviL", He, wouLd then be "The Racing DeviL.."

During that time, racing is about just testing youseLf, courage n guts, making friends aLong the highway going North or to the South of MaLaysia, n I actuaLLy made good friendS with strangers I didn't know, just bY having raced them on  Highways then askinG them to stop for a drink.. There were no Sore Looser back then..

RoSs taught me many things, but the 1st n Very ImportantLy iS, how to make friendS, then comes regarding driving ~

ie. What max rpm for which gear, how to spin ur tyre from gear 1 shifting to gear 2, shifting to gear 3, without the car having move from its position at aLL (we did it infront of a cLub once n everyone was cheering), without having the handbrake on.. 

ALso, how to cLean your engine whIle dropping gear at higher speed, then switching off the ignition, pump some fueL before switching on the starter again, to create a back fire thuS cleaning the engine manifoLd.. cooL trick though..

Just imagine, normaLLy 4 to 5 cars going under the tunneL doing that in a sequence, like hearing pistoLs shooting in sequence, i Loved that momentS ..

Hurmm as much dare deviL he is at that time, he taught me a good Lesson, in time where there were many robberies n hijacks, where peopLe don't wanna stop their car n heLp otherS anymore, he wiLL stiLL stop, even at 4 a cLock in the morning and it Looks un safe.. hiS reasonS, Faith.. Otherwise nobody wiLL be heLping others anymore.. hurmm cRazy dude huh..

There was a time, we were racing in the mid town KL, suddendLy whiLe stopping at the traffic Light (StiLL racing, but the traffic Light was Red n we Obeyed the traffic ruLes..hurmm, as much as we couLd )..

5 poLice bikes approach us and straight away took out our car keys, asking us for I.d then asking us to puLL over to the side.. After few hours negotiating with them n stILL can't come up with any soLutionS, I jokingLy said, "I got a Lencaku, let just whack them n run", (JokingLy)..

ALL of them suddendLy turn fierce n start saying what they have in their car, especiaLLy RoSS (The poLice were asking to much at that time n we can't afford).. Then I said, "Yo Guys, I'm just jokinG".. waah I get a super scoLd from RoSs for putting thingS like that as a joke, as, they weren't joking anymore.. (That was the last time I do heavy joke with Ross) ~ and we were just 18..hurmm..

The poLice then, was so nice, letting us go peacefuLLy.. yet these guyS with deviLs taiL stiLL stuck on their ass, SpINS their tyres as they were Leaving the scene haha..pubLic brutaLity huh..

Definition of drivinG bumper to bumper whiLe going 180 kmh with RosS, is not a feet away from a car to another car, but reaLLy, the bumper hitting the other car's bumper n we"LL just go through the traffic with exhaust screaming with back fire expLosions once a whiLe..

If we have any dents that needed repairS on our rear part of the car, we wiLL find a nice mercs or bmw, 1st car wiLL over take, then the 2nd, the 1st car wiLL then jump on the brakeS, whiLe the 2nd car makes and emergency brake n then "BAnGGG!!" that rich guys car just hit the 2nd car in the ASS..

And thank you to our poLice traffic Law system, we got a free n new bumperr hee :D"..

I had my fun with my 2nd car the Honda Crx.. So much fun but had to let it go because can't afford to own it anymore, because having my LiL' princess, but I never regreted that :)"..

ALSo at one time I was seLLing recondition cars from Japan, some MPVs' , some SUVs'.. and some sports cars like MAzda RX8, but the care I Love the most then is stiLL the Nissan SkyLine GTT, not the GTR, but the GTT is so much fun, easy to handLe n easy to take care off..

And for me, the power is averageLy enuf.. HopefuLLy one fine day, I can get hoLd of One again..

GoLfy 69'

Anyway guys, its just a part of my life stories, teLLing n sharing with you aLL tonite.. I know its not much, but I did try to make some friends with nothing to do, to enjoy some Light reading, as, I too enjoy writting to you guyS..

And by chance if you guyS see an oLd Red CoLor VoLvo T, about 600 hrse power screaming and Leaving aLL the other racing cars, even skyLine Gtr behind, THAT is RosS.. PLease stay away fm him, if not, the fLying DeviL wiLL come after you for a sweet reVenGe :D..

TiLL then, Lots of Love, huGS n kisses to aLLL ~ Love u guys to bitS..

~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ "69'

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