Sunday 2 December 2012

FinaL FantaSy 2

FinaL FAntasy 2 ~ DeviLS Short remark..

Hye guys, so sorrY.. as, the DeviL just caLLed me, he knowS I was trYing to find him to ask about the continuation of His Story.. He just gave me a shorT Poem sent bY "The BLacK WidoW" to him when they Met again after beIng reborN in thiS Life..

BAsicaLLy he saYS, he don't even know who he iS untiL it was made known to him one day, and he can't even remember reGArdinG "The Black Widow" untiL they finaLLy meet up, as, chance of meetinG up agaiN is onLy set by ThE GreaT BoSS HimseLf..and it just came in as fLashes of memory to him about Her..

The DeviL asked me to share witH you guys this smaLL littLe poem, dedicateD to him by her "The Black Widow", as, it meLts his heart..

 HEre it goeS~

PeopLe Always taLks about them being mY SouLmate..

When I was 10, a boY saiD i'm hiS souLmate, because the first time he saw me..
he feLL in Love with me..
but when i Looked at him
i didn't feeL anYthinG..

On mY weddinG night, the man in white said i'm his souLmate
thuS we got marrieD.....
but when i looked into his eYes...
i don't feeL i Love him fuLL heartedLy. ..

Years later a guy came and said im his souLmate...
but when he wanted to kiss my lips....
i pushed him away..

Until I met u
u write it for me
u compose it for me
u sing it for me
u record it for me
u post it for me
i listen to it
i fall in Love to it
i caLL you to meet
i kiss your Lips
i cry..cry..cry
and i smiLe
first time in my Life i know i have found you
my souLmate
for onLy souL knows her mate

my souL...
my heart...
my mind...
my body is so in Love with you....


~ Then the DeviL just left me with tearY eyes, I can see an HonesT drops of tears cominG down from hiS eYEs.. as I too feLt the Love theY have for each other.. So honest, so CrueL and humbLe.. I can onLy praY for them, that the ALL Mighty God wouLd give them the best, and, I praY that Average wiLL always be the best for them and for aLL of us.. So Guys, agaiN.. Thank you for ur sweet time taken to read this.. If at anyTime, The DeviL comes in for a visit n teLLs me hiS storY.. I wiLL sureLy post it for you Guys oK.. ~888~

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