Tonight I'LL just be crazy for once anD make a Fantasy Sci-Fi andentuRe story regardinG some made up stuFF.. hurmm..
SomethinG that is not reaL, defiEs aLL the truth of existence anD wouLd just cracK our minD about spiRituaL Living..
If writers can write a story reGarding the start of humanitY, shaLL I write a fantasY story regarding the oppoSite of our mirror Image..
If humans have their storY of life, then the DeviL, DjiNns N Satan Must have their stoRies as weLL huh..
ReaderS beware, thiS storY, even its a make do stoRy, It wiLL make your hearT race so fast N Blood pumping action much more that whaT TripLe X movie gavE.. So, for those havinG high bLood pressure, please avoid reading this storY without havinG ur MedicatioNs by your Side Always.. CaPiSH!!
If Humans have Adam & Eve ~ Let me teLL you guys another StorY that starts at similar events, but somewhere very FAR.. In the UnderworLd.. AnD The StorY iS abouT~ "The DeviL & The Black Widow"
(How Star Wars Back ground music sounds Like, but more heavy meTaL into it)
Many2 trillion years Ago, before there was anything, God first created 2,
One is light N One is darkness..
As Light was create from the strongest of the strong Fire,
similar goes for the darkness who was created form the darkest dark..
As the two compLiments one another, thus without day there won't be night N Vice VersaS.. As they have lived so long and as they are God's most Loved creations, they were given a chance to expLore their love N feeLings when God asK them to Go doWn to Earth to Live n do His bids..
Thus the Fire was given a new name, "The DeviL" and the Darkness was also is given a new name, "The Black WidoW"..
They were so ever in Love with each other from the start of time untiL now, the enD.. When they were sent down on earth, they were separated so Far, but due to their stronG Love, theY manage to find each other..
Ever so Loving N so caring but they stiLL have their dutY to fuLLfiLL.. The DeviL ruLes over Mother Earth for MiLLions of years, creatinG havoc n HELL on Earth, to finD others where he can maKe them his soLdiers, his foLLowers n his companions..
The same for Black Widow, who brought corruptions, the coLd feeLing of blood (coLd blooded), into the hearts of aLL LivinG N Gods creations..
The eye of the DeviL never misses hunting the hearts that is un FaithfuL to God, huntinG the seLfish ones who forgets about their creator, who thinks that theY can controL, as he knows, conTroLs is never ever given to the creations, but to have faith, to Loose controL, to let go and foLLow the commands of his creatoR.. As he swears to burnt down mother earth as he can never submit to the seLfishness of earth who ALways stanDs proud, too proud that it forgeTS to submit to Gods order, forgets its reason of ever being created, Loosing faith in Gods creations N in God HimseLf..
The Black Widow, with a heartLess hearts and her soLdiers, wiLL be hunting down this seLfish peopLe, to cheat them, Lie to them, to take what ever worLdly posessions this people have, people who aLways finds weaLth for themseLves N never give N never share.. As she and her soldiers wiLL use their stronG power of temptations, seductions N persuasions to get aLL they can get from these bunch of peopLe.. Her soLdiers are aLL over the worLd dancing n caressinG these people like the Arabian Dancers where money are just thrown to them, and regardLess any amount theY, this seLfish peopLe throws, it wouLd never be enough to satisfY the hunger of her soLdiers..
Thousands of years passes, they have been each others husbands N wive (mates), reborn as brothers N sisters, reborn again as Mother n Son, reborN again as Father n Daughter, as Slaves, as Kings n Queens.. But in the enD, after so many times beinG reborn and finding themselves back in each others arms...
They found that the true Love is Always for them to be in Love with each other as another's Mate.. As, then.. The DeviL N The Black Widow forever wiLL be So in Love with each other N their fire of PAssions can never die, as they know, to be married n contend with each other, wiLL kiLL that fire of Love n PAssions..ForeveR..
For the Last thousands of years LivinG n doinG what they do best, it has come to this finaL battLe, a battLe between themseLves, either to start taking controL or StiLL to have Faith n Letting go, to just take each other away from whom there are married to now..
Or stiLL contend to God's order N continue their task.. "FinaL War is coMing, the SeLfish must die", Says the DeviL.. "I must hunt them one by One untiL the End is clear.."N they wiLL be thE woods to fueL that fire of heLL (this seLfish and Ingnorance bunch), to burn other souLs, as to cleanse them before theY return to our Boss, to The ALL MIghty"..
"But DarLing, be mercifuL, as we ourseLves aLmost succumbed to that temptations of taking controL, taking the controL from our boss, we aLmost Loose our Faith N forgot our Place", says The Black Widow..
DeviL just Grin with an EviL smile as he says, "As God bare witness, I have no mercy, as, I am aLso that fire of the deepest heLL send to burnt aLL existences untiL its cleanse, UntiL theres no more empty space to hide for thiS seLfish, ungratefuL creations, who have forgotten how Boss Love them so much.. UntIL Boss creates me as that fire, making me feeL so much in pain to bare on my own, untiL there is no more pain to feeL for me.. So I have no more MercY as I am His instrument of PAiN..".. "MUAhahaha",
He Laugh.. "BUt don't be sad mY weary black rose, My Dark Princess, as, how much EviL we think we are..There are more EviL out there that no one sees.. As they Look nice, heLpfuLL but in the end they never care, never do.. They take controL from our creator N try to make thiS worLd theirs for the taKing.. But they forgets, as, even the smaLLest dot of smartness they have in their brain, its aLL from Him, from Boss..
The ALL Mighty HimseLf".. "But for Tonite my Dark Princess, Tonight is just you N me.. Leave the worLd behinD for one night, Let me hoLd you in my arms, let me flow that fire in me to you, to make your coldness feeLs the warmth again, to feel the passions N feeLs the Love that we once have N that we stiLL have for one another..
NEver take what boss don't give, Never Deny whatever He gives, even its the worst, even we're the worst of aLL creations.. As for Him to creates the worst..
Its must be, because of the Love He have for US, as we are to be condemmed eternaLLy".. says the DeviL The DeviL puts the Black Widow in His arms..HoLds her tight, as he Knows, tomorrow wiLL be another day for them, fuLL of fLames, full of vengance, full of revenge that have no mercy anD full of sorrows, as, that is what fueLs them, what makes them stronger to to Gods biD..
But for tonight, they just rest in each others arms.. Ever so Loving n ever so peaceFuL, as , tomorrow wiLL come, but tonight is stiLL here untiL God's switch On the Lights.. To BE ContiNue dah Ngantuk HurmmMM... Take care, sweet sLeep N sLeep tight..
Ps. Boss, where;s My Black Widow LArr..
I osso need One, Sexy one ok, but, u know best boss, u choose :)".. GudNite Boss.. ~ 888 ~ ♥ /||\
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