Saturday, 8 December 2012

DeViL'S Pet SiS ~" LiSa NaSuTioN" ~ She'S A LadY ~

Hye GuyS ~ ThiS BLog, "The DeviL iN KuaLa LumPuR" is dedicatinG it to my pet SiS', the PrinceSS herSeLf ~

                "LIZA HASHIM"

Her beauty is from the inside out, so happiLy waLking around with a beautifuL and angeLic smiLe n you guyS wont suspect that she's The DeviL's pet SiS' huh :)" ..

Without having much as a start, she doesn't come from a rich and weLL to do famiLy but she works very hard.. Trying to get what she's been dreaming of, being a modeL~

As much so, as she wouLd like to change the mind set of peopLe that being a modeL is not just fame and beauty but aLso the goodness of Ones heart~

(Sis' R1 doesn't suits you, take a ride with ur DevIl brother on HiS Ducati SooN ~ yeah borrowed bike who cares)

Living iN KuaLa LumPuR toughen her, this Lil' girL from suburb, but stiLL it doeSn't changed her heart~

 Everywhere she goes, she trieS to put smiLes onto peopLes face~

But when they don't, she get sad.. because she taught that sadness came from her..

BeautifuL smiLes put coLorS to her face ;)"..

Even at times when her beauty was judged, she never quits.. Never at anyone time she Lets anyone judge her for her appearance, outside & inside.. As, for her, onLy she reaLLy know what is it inside her heart ~

As difficuLt it is to live life, she too having that diffucLty to smiLe sometimes ~

~ As True Beauty Doesn't onLy comes form outside Or within, but Both ~

AccompLishing many modeLLing jobs and competitionS she gets better & better each day, stronger and more passionate iN what she wants ~ To be the best iN the One things she Love Most ~

As from she was young, or at her younger yearS, she have been at the sideS of some MaLaysians Superstar, supporting them Knowing or UnknowinGLy ~

She too had her best time when she was with them, as she made a promise to her souL that one day she can be as good as them~

And That One fine day, she can bring happineSS to her Love ones and the many beautifuL faces around heR~

There goeS my LiL' AngeL fLying away through the skY above wondering what she can do next to bring smiLe and happineSS to PeopLe of the woRLd..

The DeviL Says to heR "Don't You worry Lil' AngeL, as God iS watching you.. ALwayS keep your smiLe On, keep that Faith that you aLwayS have and do goodneSS to others even when otherS don't deseRve that ~ as you never judge others even when they do".., with a gRiN on HiS face..

As I'M aLwayS there watchinG You ~ So that there'S no other AngeLs or DeviLs dare to hurt you ~
So dance Lil' darLing and make the WhoLe woRLd see how beautifuL you are & more and neveR be afraid agaiN..
As, frighten is and aLwayS have been for the LeSSer faith ~

ANd for any companieS, or AgenCieS that wouLd like to take my sweet Lil' Pet SiS' into theiR wing, pLease do not hesitate to emaiL me ~ As, The DeviL neveR forgetS a FavouR and As Much is maKing my Sister haPPy, wiLL be making me HaPPy .. & Its not eaSy to maKe the DeviL happY ~

LastLy, as beLow.. The PictuRes of Ms. Liza HAshiM for you guyS to have the pLeasuRe of going through her other Jobs she did ~

Any inquirieS, you can drop me a maiL at "" .. I thank you for youR time ~

LOtS of Love HugS & KiSSeS
"The DeviL iN KuaLa LumPuR"

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