Wednesday, 5 December 2012

FinaL Fantasy 6 ~ "DeviLS Judgement"

"DeviL'S JudgeMenT"

In the beginning of time, wheN everything was onLy peacefuL N oNLy siLence was heard, The ALL MIghty, Most LOving and UnderstandiNg decides to give choices in aLL HiS creations, to test them about faith, their faith to HIM..

One Day GOd decide to create Adam, a new universe of HiS own and puts aLL eLements of HiS creations into one system, The Earth, The Moon and The Sun, just to let them feeL life, to let HIS creations have what they don't before, choiceS, Desire, sensations n many more..

ALL creationS were happY at the start as they feLt thiS iS something new which they haven't expLore n experience yet and God is giving this as a gift to them..

Fire and Darkness was happy as they were given the oppurtunitieS to feeL the Love the have for one another, but then somethinG eLse happens.. In that GaLaxy of where Adam Is, Adam asked for a partner, So God decided, the best to give him was "The Darkeness HerseLf, as Adam is fire which bear light and ice which bear darkness, the resemblance of God HimseLf .. 

When God took the darkness out from Adam to create Eve, Fire was so outraged as, he can feeL now Love, and that love was taken away from him..

But God then whispered to fire, that he too wiLL be within darkneSS, within Eve, to Light her path, n, in the end later, promise to be united with her again..

So, when that day came, when God asked fire, " Why.? Is it because of your Ego (outraged), you won't kneeLdown to Adam, which I have created with my two hands?"

The DeviL sayS to God "As, there was something that you have whispered to me deaR GOD"
The DeviL's answered "Dear God, how do I submit to anything eLse.. Other than you"

As, there was an understanding that the DeviL HimSeLf didn't understood yet at that time, why God asked Him to submit to anything eLse, other than Him, The ALL Mighty.. Is it a test to see his LoyaLty, "So, the DeviL thought".

But after many thousands of years later, The DeviL aLso found hiS own reason, why he can't bring himseLf down to submit to humans, to earth, n now, he aLso understood why God commands him to do so in the first pLace.. So he says to the One who creates,

"Dear God, I understand now why I am given this task, to be a Fire, to spend eternity of judgement in that HeLL you have created n that heLL is "within the heart of humanS themseLveS".

He finaLLy ask God permiSSion to do his finaL task..

"Dear God, these humanS are so seLfish, they say they beLieve, but do they.?
Do they reaLLy.? As beLieve is in Faith and not the prayers that they do.."
They have aLL the eLements you have created, of good n bad, of seLfish n seLfLess in them, to get the baLance, to do what task that have been giveN onto them, n yet the forget, they became JUst SeLfish"..

"THey have forgotten that you ruLe your Kingdom, and its extension is beyond eny of your creation can imagine.. Yet they think they are in controL of the Life, their death, the money they bring back home, the food n drink, their chiLdren, what happiness they've got"..

"The more knowledgabLe they are, the less faith they became.. They thought You creates them to pray to you.. Have they not understand that you don't get anymore strength from the prayer they give to you, As you Are The ALL Mighty"..

"Have they not known that, the prayer is for them, n yet theY became so demanding on others n start judging others but not their heart, their faith n themseLveS"..

"Have they not know that the prayer is to re charge Mother earth as it baLanceS back the negative effects of radiations against earth magnetic core, so, the earth wiLL keep the rotationS as how it was for many thousand or miLLinon of years.. So that THE Sun Doesn't Rise From the West"..

"Are they such ignorants, to understand, that aLL reLigionS are created by you m for them, as each n every reLigion have the roLe to play to take care of mother earth"..

"Have they not listen to what you keep saying that Muhammad is The Last Messanger, The Last Preacher, that no One or even a community is aLLowed to preach anymore, but onLy to share what they understandS"..

"They are fuLL with Ego n Nonsenses my dear Lord"..

"As they say they do the prayerS for you, but actuaLLy doing it for themselves, for Jannah.. Dig into their hearT and you wiLL see I Speak the truth", "If you take away that Jannah, I"LL bet you, 99% of them wiLL faiL you.."

"For you My God, My Lord, they are unwiLLing to go to heLL, Unlike my SoLDierS of Fire, deviLs, SatanS n DemonS.. and my army of darknest.. For you my God, my Lord, any fire is LIke water for uS, is like the light to show us the way"..

"They don't beLieve, they don't take care of each other, the don't heLp enough, they don't share, as per your surah AL BAqaRah Ayath 6 ~ ShouLd I bow to them that have no faith or less faith than my foLLowerS.? "

"I'm the one they condemned, as my judgement is with you and you aLone, as, the OnLY One that knows what you have whispered to me, is YOU..n.. ME.. Who are they to judge me, such ignorant humanS"..

"But now I understand about sumbitting to them, to mother earth, which is submitting to YOU, not them per say, as my aswerS to you My God, my Lord, was in my statement in my previous bLog, regarding the Dragon (SouL/fire) n the TigeR (BodY/earth)" , so boSS, forgive me or not, its up to you n never mine to ask 4, as I stiLL have mY Task, my road is set, n I wiLL foLLow my couRSe.."

"And Dear God, if you wiLLs it, Let me let LooSe aLL the DemonS of heLL to create such HavoC in these worLd to teach aLL these unGratefuL creation that have been makinG such troubLE, n may ur mercy save them from my Army of HELL ~ AMEEN !!!! "

The EnD ~

~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~

Waah my brain is so tired after creating such fantasy Stories.. Hurmm maybe one day it couLd be made into a movie huh, who knows hehe.. So guys, thank you for reading, n now lets go back to reaLity where we live and find money for ourseLf, forget otherS, as they never wiLL care about uS, right? Who needS sharing, what i get is aLways mine n mine aLone hee :D .. CheeRs !!!! ~88888888~

"The DeviL iN KuaLa LumpuR"

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