Monday 3 December 2012

I Am The Lucky One ~ DeviL Got Back His FLying Licence ..

Hi Guys, for the first time I'm actuaLLy writting in this Blog, as, before I just copy paste what I wrote from my face book statuS..hehe..

WeLL anyway, thank you for aLL your support & encouragement otherwise I don't think I wiLL be abLe (maybe) to puLL trough this Life ever again.. Yeah you, the readers.. What you guys don't know is that, being acknowLedge or just by a simpLe glance, seeing the numbers of readers growing, make me feeL aLive again..

PeopLe stiLL keep asking me the same question, Abg Naz, why do you make urseLf look inSane.. And I keep repeatinG the same anSwer, because I want to be waken up from that Matrix of Life, to be "In Sanity".. Yeah, some say from the movie 'Matrix itseLf" , but I'm no Neo larr, even if I wish I'am haha..

And they ask me again, "Why be eviL?", i just say as a mirror image of eviL is "Live".. I'm Living my Live now, but what do peopLe know about EviL~

And they asked me, "Why be the DeviL?" Hurmm, have you ever heard the saying, "fighting fire with fire", why it never say, "fight fire with water?" thus, the "DeviL", in his mirror image wiLL be "Lived", n yeah, I Lived my life..

For many, work is work and they wiLL take a break from work to get a hoLiday or vacation, as to do what they love to do in their past time.. But being a DeviL has its greater benefits.. My personaL is my work (famiLy n stuffs), and my work is when I'm in my own sweet hoLiday vacation experience ie. fLying for me :)'..

Yeah, The DeviL just got hiS fLying Licence again, praise be to The Lord, to The All Mighty.. And when The DeviL gets to sit in that aeropLane n fLy Like the Dare DeviL he is, than, I'm getting my hoLiday, my own freedom for me ~

TiLL then guys, MaLaysians, Americans, BRitish, Koreans, Uae, IreLands, Indonesian, Russian, France & Other visiting Nation readerS.. Thank you guys, you made me feeL aLive again.. Thank you ~

Praise be to you guys, Let me share a smaLL liL' secret ~ To find god, is to look at urseLf in the Mirror, but then respect aLL the other Gods, as everything is ONE.. as, we are from HIm, many ( 0 ) , Becomes OurseLf ( 1 ) , and wiLL go back to Him, many ( 0 ) .. as the binary codes itseLf.. Ohh n yess, there is The One who creates, beLieve me there iS ~ ( I'm that fucxxx DeviL LArr, So i know )

Don't let greed consumes us, its aLL about sharing, n keePing the Faith (thats why the DeviL Loves "Bon Jovi" HihiHAHAHA ...

After tis' I can't say, if I wiLL be within Sanity or Out of sanity Like many.. But see you guys sooN !!!!  I promiSe ~ 8888 ~

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